Onco Life Hospitals

Digital Mammography

Digital Mammography

Digital Mammography can aid in the detection and diagnosis of breast diseases, lumps, cysts and benign and malignant tumors. It is indicated for one or both breasts.

Reasons for recommending a mammogram:

  • A mammogram is recommended once every year for women over the age of 38 to screen for breast cancer or any other breast diseases. It can help detect breast cancer at very early stages too.
  • To check if there is recurrence of cancer.
  • To diagnose any lump in the breast.
  • To detect breast abnormalities with regards to location, shape or size.

Most Popular Questions

  • Do not apply any deo, cream, powder on your chest before the scan.

  • Women should tell their doctors if they are pregnant or if there is a possibility of it.Test is not advisable for Pregnant women hence a pregnancy test is recommended if in doubt

  • Doctor’s note and file.

  • Thermal Screening Report if performed.

  • USG report (if any, for breasts).

  • Treatment/surgery details along with the reports.

  • Any other relevant history.

  • Total time –25-30 min.