Onco Life Hospitals

Dr. Swapnil Deshmukh

Dr. Swapnil Deshmukh

Dr. Swapnil Deshmukh is a Lifetime Member of Indian Society of Anaesthesiology. 

He specializes in General Anaesthesia

Paediatric, Geriatric, Obstetric, Orthopaedic

Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Uro-Surgery, Onco-Surgery

  • Regional Anaesthesia

Spinal Anaesthesia, Epidural Anaesthesia, Caudal-Anaesthesia

Labour analgesia, Regional Block (Blind procedures and PNS guided)

  • Shock Treatment
  • Pain management 


Has comprehensive experience in surgical trauma management which includes BLS and ACLS along with appropriate ventilation, circulation, nutrition, venous access etc.

Has also authored the dissertation titled as

“Comparison of intrathecal bupivacaine, levobupivacaine & ropivacaine in infra umbilical surgery”

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